IT Training

Full Stack with Java and React

Build your Dreams using Full Stack with Java and React

Course Details

Full Stack Development with Java:
•Introduction to web designing and development
•Full Stack v/s MEAN Stack v/s MERN Stack
•HTML : Introduction to Internet-websites and webpages. HTML Program structure-formatting tags-inserting images-creating lists and tables-creating hyperlinks-sample application – working with forms
•CSS : Introduction CSS-Types of Selectors:Element Selector-ID selector-class selector-group selector. Applying styles to a webpage: Internal StyleSheets, External StyleSheets, Internal styles. Applying borders, margins, padding,shadows
•Bootstrap : About Bootstrap-Typography-Bootstrap grid-Bootstrap colors-Tables in Bootstrap-Images in Bootstrap-Bootstrap Navs-Forms in Bootstrap-Validating forms
•JavaScript : Need of client-side scripting-operators in JS-Control Structures in JS-Arrays in JS-Functions in JS-Objects: Date, Array, Math, String etc.-Events in JS-Form data Processing and Validations in JS
•DOM-Document Object Model : Introduction-Accessing HTML elements dynamically-examples
•ReactJS Basics: ES6 Concepts, React Introduction, Building the Project Structure, Components in React, State and props, Styles in React, Routing in React, Redux and Hooks in React
•Java : Introduction, Installing Java and setting path-Java Program structure and Sample Programs-operators-datatypes-command-line arguments-Wrapper classes
•Creating objects-constructors and types-garbage collection in Java-Implementing method overloading-static and non-static members of a class-
•Inheritance:Implementing different types of inheritance-dynamic polymorphism-final keyword
•Interfaces and abstract classes
•Packages in Java–Built-in and user-defined packages
•Exception Handling : Introduction-types of errors,handling multiple exceptions-nested exceptions-finally block-throws keyword-creating user-defined exceptions
•Streams in Java : Types of streams-DataInputStream and BufferedReader classes-File Handling in Java
•Collections in Java : Lists, Sets and Maps and implementations
•Introduction to Relational Model : Working with SQL
•Database Programming in Java : JDBC introduction-Types of Drivers-JDBC Components-Submitting SQL commands to a database-Limitations of Statement interface-PreparedStatement interface-Types of ResultSet objects-Limitations of JDBC
•Introduction to Server-Side Scripting : Servlets introduction-Servlet-life cycle-Skeleton structure of a servlet-Installing Tomcat Server-Setting classpath-Creating a sample servlet application-Request handling in servlets-Connecting to database-Supplying initialization parameters to a servlet-context params- Servlet Collaboration-Data sharing and Control Sharing-Session tracking and Cookies
•JSP : Limitations of Servlets-JSP: Advantages over servlets-JSP tags-Types of JSP directives-Built in objects in JSP-Sample applications using JSP-Beans in JSP-include and forward requests in JSP.
•Introduction to Hibernate : Limitations of JDBC-What is Hibernate-Hibernate Architecture-Installing required software and configuring for hibernate-Sample Hibernate application-Introduction to HQL-Integrating Hibernate with servlets and JSP.
•Introduction to Spring Framework : Aspect-Oriented Programming versus Object-Oriented programming-Component-based development-Configuring spring framework-Implementing Dependency Injection and Autowired Options. Integrating spring with servlets and JSP- Spring MVC–Spring with JDBC–Spring with Hibernate—Model and ModelAndView classes in Spring
•Spring Boot — Building applications using Spring Boot and MicroServices

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